A refreshed website for a long-established dairy producer
- Two-day discovery session
- Custom WordPress theme
- Fast loading, mobile responsive
- User-centred design
- Multimedia enriched content
- Super-fast suggestive search tool
- Ajax product menu filter
- Downloadable recipes
- Chef video recipes
Overview of the project
Lactalis is a France-based multinational and the largest dairy producer in the world. The company behind household favourites Rachel’s yogurts, Président butter and Seriously Spreadable cheeses, approached Preface Studios to build a new professional foodservice website. The aim was to promote its UK food services division and reflect the Lactalis brand position as the ‘world’s no.1 dairy producer’.
Part of the Lactalis McLelland Group, the professional services arm was recently rebranded. We were tasked with working with the new look and feel to appeal to the UK audience, while promoting the health benefits of the products, partnerships with local farmers and the wide range of dairy products.
During the Discovery Phase, we identified: site users, created personas and empathy maps, wrote user stories and mapped out the customer journey. We created the site architecture and sketched out low-fidelity wireframes. From this a sitemap was developed to provide a clear user journey for the different audiences of pub and restaurant chefs and owners, purchasing managers and development chefs.
The new website ensures that all content is no more than three clicks to the final destination. We ensured a fast load time on mobile devices connected to 3G and 4G. The site was built to be flexible with an easily expandable content management system and improves customer experience with its user-centred design. Since launching, home page load time is just four seconds, bounce rates are down and engagement has increased. Using new brand imagery and video enriched the content and downloads of recipe cards are trackable. We also created a product filter system with butter, cream, cheese and meat archives.
“We selected Preface Studios because of their experience, rigorous processes and creative, clean style. Our old site was dated and we needed to incorporate the new Lactalis brand. The new website has a brilliantly simple CMS and has helped us to attract, engage and convert prospects within our audience of chefs and restaurant owners.”
How we can help you
Our team of friendly digital experts can help you improve your customers’ online experience using our tried-and-tested discovery phase and website design process. If you need a website to promote new products like Lactalis Pro Foodservice, then please get in touch today; we’d be happy to talk to you about how we can help create a super-fast website with great SEO that helps you stand out from your competition.
Let's discuss your product showcase website...
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