Benefits of a WordPress support retainer for Surrey business owners

Your website is, unfortunately, not something you can set and forget once the site itself is built. Technology moves quickly, and the foundations upon which your site is constructed can go out of date pretty fast. This is frustrating, we understand, but it’s an unavoidable reality of running a site, and the rapid pace of updates and developments are ultimately positive for your business and your online presence.

If there were ever days where you could have put up a site and then left it unmanned, they are most certainly gone. But the good news is that your website has never before been such a valuable asset as it is today and keeping it well maintained has definite business benefits.

In this article, we’re going to explore the key reasons to keep your WordPress website up to date, and why you should consider a support retainer.


WordPress website for Oktra with support retainer

5 reasons to keep your WordPress website well maintained

There are many, many reasons to keep your website well maintained. Some of them are exciting, providing carrot-like incentive — e.g. it benefits SEO –, and others a little more stick-like — poorly maintained sites are vulnerable to hacking. We’re going to explore them all to give you an in-depth understanding of what you gain by keeping your site supported and up to date.

1. High performing SEO

Keeping your SEO in top condition requires ongoing management, and search engine optimisation is the marketing avenue that you want to be invested in. It may take time to build strong SEO into your site, but this is a long-term investment that puts your brand above your competitors in search engine results pages, without you having to pay for that position.

Poorly maintained sites quickly lose their SEO power. Keeping your site up to date is one of the simplest ways to keep your site showing up in search results.


2. Up to date content

Content on your site can refer to pretty much everything — your blogs, your pictures, your product information, and every bit of copy. Things will change, and information will need to be updated. This benefits your customers with the right information always online for them to find.

Keeping content up to date also means that existing content is continually being looked at to ensure it’s performing optimally on your site. This helps with your SEO and site performance.


3. Evolving web design and user experience

Online visitors are now used to premium quality user experiences. Websites that are even slightly outdated in appearance and functionality will be bounced off of before your visitors have even had the chance to take in your company name.

Website speed and performance can quickly deteriorate if websites are not maintained, and the impacts can be catastrophic on your online visibility. Keeping these up to date keeps you competitive, visible and engaging.


4. Marketing automation requires oversight

Leveraging a marketing automation platform, like Sharpspring, requires your site to be regularly maintained to ensure the platform is functioning optimally and you are getting as many leads as possible for your efforts.

Ongoing maintenance is essential to keep all of the tools and platforms connected to your site, talking effectively to one another so that you can get the most out of these integrations. Sites that are not maintained can lose efficacy in converting leads and marketing to customers.


5. Updates keep you secure from hacking

One of the most common ways that businesses expose themselves to vulnerability online is by failing to keep their CMS, themes and plugins up to date.

The simplest way to keep your website safe is to update it as frequently as possible. Having a WordPress support retainer immediately minimises your risk of a threat as the primary function is to keep everything up to date, while improving performance, enhancing security, eliminating bugs and making sure that all of your plugins, themes and tools are not putting your site at risk.


Why you need a WordPress support retainer

Taking into account all the many reasons you need to keep your site well maintained, it’s not an exaggeration to say that this responsibility is business-critical. Unless you have an internal IT department with expertise in WordPress, this is a service that’s best outsourced.

Through a WordPress support retainer with Preface, you have access to a team of experts, not only in website support but also SEO, digital strategy, web design and development, so that all of your digital needs are considered as your website is supported.

We work with leading brands such as GSAcom, Unisource, Oktra and others to help them grow their digital presence through our ongoing WordPress support retainer, where we can help with web design, development, content, testing, marketing and analysis.

You can trust our team of experts to keep your site in good shape.

Get in touch with Preface Studios today to enquire about our WordPress support retainer solutions.

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